Genereting proxies during runtime using Reflection.Emit

Reflection.Emit is very powerful tool. It creates IL code and since C# is converted into IL too, we have the same functionality as in C# and even more. It is very powerful and at the same time very complicated. Because of that it is worth to discuss how and for what it should be used. One idea is to create dynamic code with automatic implementations of interfaces – proxy types.

Continue reading “Genereting proxies during runtime using Reflection.Emit”

Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 3.

This is third article in series, that explains how to create delegates for public and non-public members of public, non-public or not known in compile-time types. If you are not familiar with previous articles and looking for detailed explanation of how delegates works, how they are created and why, I strongly encourage you to read first two. If you are just looking for a way to create delegates for methods or constructors it is not necessary.

Code with new features and with bug fixes is available on GitHub and as Nuget package. Continue reading “Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 3.”

Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 2.

This is second article in series, that explains how to create delegates for public and non-public members of public, non-public or not known in compile-time types. If you are not familiar with previous article and looking for detailed explanation of how delegates works, how they are created and why, I strongly encourage you to read it first. If you are just looking for a way to create delegates for methods or constructors it is not necessary.

Last article in series you can find here.

Code with new features and with bug fixes is available on GitHub and as Nuget package.

In previous article and first one in series, we covered:

  1. Static
    1. Properties
    2. Fields
  2. Instance
    1. Properties
    2. Fields
    3. Indexers

Now it is time to cover following members.

  1. Static
    1. Methods
  2. Instance
    1. Methods
    2. Constructors

Continue reading “Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 2.”

Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 1.

This article is first part of the series of three. Next ones you can find here and here.

Code for all three articles, with new features and bug fixes is available on GitHub and as Nuget package.

Why not Reflection?

If you working with .NET and C# (probably other languages too), at some point, you will have to write more advanced and generic code, that i.e. reads all properties of a type, searches for attributes, etc. Or maybe you want to call some private method or property? It is not that rare to use some internal mechanism of framework or library. Usually, the first solution involves Reflection. But the thing is: Reflection is slow. Of course, it is sufficient if you need to use Reflection rarely and it is not the main code of the application. If it is used more often at some point, you will probably try to optimize it. And now is the fun part: how to do it? Continue reading “Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 1.”

Xamarin Master-Detail Page

This article as previous ones (Frame With Padding, Frame Outline Problem, Inheritance from Implicit Styles) also will be about Xamarin.
This time we will inspect Master-Detail page control/mechanism. You can find official documentation for this control here.

Quick spoiler: I never used this in any production application. Why? I will explain. Whole article will be to explain why this is just not worth your time. In this and subsequent articles I will introduce much better solution. Continue reading “Xamarin Master-Detail Page”